Sunday, May 10, 2009

On this Mother's Day, I'd like to take a moment to share the wisdom I have gained from my mom:

- It's okay to eat hot fudge sundaes, popcorn, or chips and dip for dinner once in a while
- Don't ever buy anything that's not on sale
- Don't ever buy anything that's not on sale without a coupon

Thanks, Mom, for taking me to Africa, for putting me through college, for coming to every volleyball game I've ever played, for reading my blog religiously, for visiting me here at camp, for spring shopping sprees, for throwing a beautiful wedding, for helping me buy my first car, for feeding and clothing me for 20 something years, for always wanting to talk when I call you, for always being excited for me, for loving Kyle, for praying for me, for your love, care, and support. I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Jenny. Your mom sounds great! And by the way, you are looking FABULOUS!!!
