Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some long overdue videos of Charlotte.

This is Charlotte when she is still in the hospital. She has the hiccups, which she gets at least once (but usually several times) a day. Poor girl.

This is Charlotte having her first tummy time on Daddy's chest. This isn't a great video of what she was doing, but she was squirming so much, that she was kind of crawling up Kyle's chest onto his shoulder and face. Kyle yelled, "Jen, she's CRAWLING!" Kind of.

And finally, some footage of our squirmy worm. When she is awake, those little legs never. stop. moving. (Much what it felt like when she was still inside of me). Side effects from running a marathon 6 days in utero?


  1. the crawling one is my favorite!!!
    love, kb

  2. Thanks, Jenny and Kyle. I miss her already and I just saw her yesterday. Please post daily videos!

  3. She is so little! I love the wrinkly little arms when she is on Kyle's chest! Love love love to all of you!

  4. Ah, the joys of technology! I thank the Lord for it with each update I get of my children, grand and otherwise. She really is an active little thing. Yes, still so little.

  5. she is saying mommy let's run pumpkins in the park with aliciaaaaa!!!!

    j&m...she is SOOOO cute. i love her and i love you guys as parents! you are so funny in the videos and in the blog. i love it!!

  6. Ahhh! I am so mad because I cannot view video for some reason, but I am imagining the cutest thing. Did you know that if you put an infant at her mother's feet, she will work her way up to nurse? It was the first fun fact I thought of when I read about the Kyle video...
