Like that clementine crate. And the circle window of our pantry (with frosted glass spray paint).
So. Sabbath. Kyle and I have been celebrating the Sabbath pretty seriously on Sundays. I've read a small amount about the Jewish Shabbat and it has been so intriguing to me that we are trying to put it into practice as best we can.
This includes doing the least amount of work possible on Sundays, especially not running errands. We eat yummy, wholesome, special meals- food we wouldn't necessarily have time or calories for during the week. And we try to do as much of our food prep as possible on Saturday. The main thing we try to focus on is rest. Not feeling bad about napping every time Charlotte does, or kicking back on the couch and reading a book all day- because God thinks all of that is important.
Recently Kyle and I were in charge of coffee hour at church and I made this sour cream coffee cake (one of Chuck's specialties). Jane always put the frosting on and the few times I had ever tried at camp, I always ruined it. I finally got it right and had to take a picture of it.
I've always thought that God had a great plan for us to re-energize..why don't more people do this? rest on Sunday..that is.
ReplyDeleteI love that you guys are celebrating the Sabbath. I'm inspired to see how we can do the same.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon this entry while searching "pinterest Sabbath" out of curiosity. I never ever leave comments, and perhaps may regret this one, but felt compelled to share that I was once here in the place you mention, enjoying Sabbath on Sunday. Then I was challenged to search scriptures about the Sabbath and after realizing the Sabbath isn't Jewish, nor was it ever changed,I took the lonely step of going all the way and observing the Sabbath instituted by the LORD, YHVH. It's all worth it! I pray this blesses you...