Thursday, September 9, 2010

Charlotte had her two month check-up today (even though she is almost three months... long story). She now weighs 9 lbs. 12 oz. and is in the 25th percentile for her weight. And she is 23 inches long and is in the 75th percentile for her height. Tall and skinny. Just like someone else in our family. Not me, obviously. I still can not get over that Charlotte STILL is not as big as Kyle was when he was born (11 LBS!!!!).

The doctor told us that Charlotte might be cutting her first tooth this early (she's kind of drooly, cranky, and addicted to her pacifier). And she also told me that Charlotte might be ready to eat rice cereal (she has gone from eating 4 oz. bottles to almost 6 oz. bottles every 3 or 4 hours in like, 2 weeks). We will see about both over the next week or so. Those two pieces of information made me feel like- no!!!! she's still my little newborn!!!! I love her.


  1. That's so funny that she might be getting her first tooth. I swear I thought I saw one coming in when you was down here, but I thought "that can't be possible this early."

  2. Tall and thin...gotta love that!
    Let's hope she has perfect Williams teeth that don't require braces:)

  3. Wow, a tooth soon already! Charlotte is so adorable, and Jenny you look great. Love all the pictures from your last couple posts. Hope Kyle is starting to feel better and that pesky shoulder of his heals well...
